

Mind, Body, Spirit And Discovering the Purpose of life

In this book I would like to mentor you on how to utilize holistic healing modalities in your life to help you cope, to help reduce anxiety and stress with life’s struggles. We are not in this alone. Whether you are rich or poor, have sickness or in good health, no matter what upbringing or childhood experiences you’ve endured-you are not alone. You have never been alone. We have to remember we are all children of God. We have unique personal experiences and encounters in life, but we all came from the same universal life force energy and that is God.

In this book I will cover many holistic healing modalities that anyone can learn and benefit from. The core purpose of a holistic therapeutic intervention is to recognize what’s already within us, what’s in nature, and that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience to learn and grow and be one more like our maker “God.”

In the chapters you learn tools and techniques to help bring yourself back to you. What you value, what your gifts are, what is most important to you in life. We need to go through life’s lessons to raise our level of vibration. It is not a choice; it is God’s will. The most important lesson to learn is love, but we also need to find peace, to find tranquility, to appreciate joy, to show gratitude, to be forgiving, to be humble, to understand compassion, to feel compassion, to avoid all negative thoughts including: fear, anger, hate, jealousy, and judgement towards others. It is a life lesson to learn and discover each of us are no better or more worthy than anyone else. We must appreciate what we have; we must appreciate nature and everything in it; we must have respect for others and the planet we live on. When we fully understand that-we know we are on the right path.


Meditations for the Mind-Body-Spirit

This book offers a variety of meditations to enable one to release their daily stress, built up tension, and toxic energy. Guided meditations are a way to let go of your worries for the moment and bring you back to your true, authentic self. It helps re-align the chakras of your body to their natural state of vibration, –where you can live more fully, love more abundantly, and react in a peaceful state of mind. Your mind, body, and spirit are the essential parts of you. You are God’s precious gift to the world and there is nothing more beautiful than a soul in the state of peace


HE is Watching

Christians want to lead a righteous life, yet it can be a challenging desire to fulfill while existing in a society plagued by greed, jealousy, envy, and other sins. As a result, many believers want to know who we are today as a people, a nation, and a world, why we are here, what is life’s ultimate purpose, how we will be judged after death, how God fits into all of this, and much more.

In a thought-provoking presentation, Diane Calabrese shares details from interviews with clergy from different denominations, applicable scripture, peer-reviewed research, and her own insights and reflections to offer an in-depth exploration of the values, morals, and crimes of humanity. Included with stories and books of the mystics, the book of Enoch, and ancient aliens (the fallen angels) as well as other profoundly important phenomena are testimonies from those who had near-death or out-of-body experiences, witnessed paranormal activity, or saw visions or apparitions of the Blessed Mother.

He Is Watching shares insights from clergy, the Bible, research, and a devoted Christian to help believers determine whether they are truly ready to meet Christ one day.

“I highly recommend this thought-provoking book to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of Christian living and a renewed commitment to a life of purpose and virtue.”

—Miguel Bustillos, pastor, exorcist, and Christian counselor


Book Reviews


Editorial Reviews:
Book: Mind, Body, Spirit and Discovering the Purpose of Life
ISBN: 9781982272005
Author: Diane Calabrese Project ID# 830359

“This is a concise but comprehensive book which equips the readers with the necessary tools to improve physical, mental, and spiritual health. Diane has carefully picked effective techniques that can easily be learned and practiced in day-to-day life.” 
Dr. Krishna N. Sharma/Professor, Vice-Chancellor at Victoria University Kampala in Uganda, Bestselling Author, Researcher, and World Record Holder

I Wish I Had This Book 15 Years Ago- I went through 4 terrible years of depression from 2006 to 2010, chronicled in a book I wrote called HOW I ESCAPED FROM DEPRESSION. Oh, if only I had had this book as a resource, I would have no doubt gotten through it much sooner and much better. My healing was a three legged stool – body, mind, and spirit – a holistic approach. That’s exactly what this book covers, in much detail and helpful suggestions. Oh, Diane, where were you when I needed you. The answer is that it wasn’t written yet. Would that it had been. I highly recommend this book for those going through emotional issues or other challenging situations.
Patrick Day, PhD, Reverend, author and owner of Pyramid Publishing Co.

A must read!
As an indie author myself, this book moved me in many, many ways… From the serene cover to the gentle pictures, this book truly is a find amongst the mind, body, and spirit books in this genre. As an eating disorder provider, I am well aware of the connection between all three!
The chapter that truly resonated with me most, as a recovered codependent, is forgiveness and letting go. Easier said then done! This book is a must read for anyone struggling with anxiety and/or has a strong mind body connection and I highly recommend!
Debra Spector, MS, RDN, CDN Author of “The Things I’ve Seen People Do With And Without Food”

“What a beautiful book! … both her stories of healing and her Christian faith, showing that alternative medicine and Christ-centered practice can work hand in hand. I loved hearing about the psychic/spiritual aspects of the author’s life as well as her dedication to her therapeutic practices–and the community at large. Her clients are lucky to have her and readers of this book will find a wealth of resources to guide them.”
Jacqueline Henry Moloney is a writer and poet. She is certified in Kundalini Yoga and as a Reiki III practitioner

 “Fascinating Book-Mind, Body, Spirit and Discovering the Purpose of Life is the most complete collection of mind, body, and spirit techniques in one book that I have ever seen. Although the book is primarily New Age, it has a strong Christian base. Each chapter covers a different aspect of holistic health. There doesn’t seem to be anything left out. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for relief in dealing with the problems of life. Diane Calabrese has had many years of practice as a therapist. Her writing shows that she is a caring soul with the goal of helping others.” 
Lynn K. Russell, Author of: The Wonder of You, What the Near-Death Experience Tells You About Yourself, and Worpple-

“This book teaches how to take care of our lives physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. It introduces different holistic treatments that help us prevent certain mistakes and illnesses. As humans, we are born with a particular purpose to fulfill, but the problem comes when we don’t discover our purpose, and we live according to others’ perspectives of us. The book is filled with guidelines that enable us to find the purpose for which we are created. It shows the difference in our individual physical well-being as well as our spiritual well-being. It also portrayed self-healing practices when broken. It is known that our actions result from our thoughts, and the book also helps direct our thoughts to become better humans.” 
By El-limitless (

What a Wonderful Book!
The author provides great insights to this book of the root causes of eating disorders and how we not only as parents, but the world are responsible. It focuses on the core values of society today, -what are we teaching our children and what we are doing to them as a result. Eating disorders need to be taken seriously as a society as a whole. The author points out very specific instances that have lead outcomes with her patients. It is an eye-opener. The author also mentions key elements that seem to resonate with many people who suffer from eating disorders- these are what we have to pay most attention to. The book is well written and the use of illustrations help to emphasize the message.
Debra Spector, MS, RDN, CDN Author of  “The Things I’ve Seen People Do With And Without Food”


Book Review for Meditations of the Mind-Body-Spirit by Diane Kurtz Calabrese
ISBN: 979-8-7652-2646-9
Author’s website through Balboa Press Publishing

“This is an essential practical book for everyone”–Dr. Krishna N. Sharma, International Bestselling Author, Professor/Researcher/World Record Holder

“Few things can paralyze our progress in life like stress, tension and anxiety. Meditations for the Mind-Body-Spirit offers practical meditations to help anyone develop healthier mindsets. This is a succinct, helpful step-by-step guide to helping you let go of your concerns and focus on finding your best self.”
Adrian Gostick, New York Times bestselling author of “Anxiety at Work” and “Leading with Gratitude”

“This inspirational book delivers messages of healing, awareness, and well-being. It is a valuable guide that will enable you to find balance and wellness through conscious awareness. As you read these meditations, you’ll see that they’ll make the journey of your life much more meaningful.”
Vincent Bonadies, MS, CTRS- Chief of Recreational Therapy at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

 “As a current Instructor of Therapeutic Recreation and a former practitioner, I just wish I had this book at my disposal during my days in the field.  The meditations are clear, concise, and totally immersive to say the least.  I will be using this book in my personal life as well as sharing this with my students as a wonderful reminder of how meditation can be an integral part of our path to wellness!”
Kris Brashner, MA, CTRS, Instructor in Health, Science and Recreation Management, University of Mississippi

“What a great resource! This book contains a variety of ready to use stress relief exercises that will work with a variety of populations and treatment settings.”
Jim Fitzgerald, LRT/CTRS Recreational Therapy Supervisor, DSOHF, R.J. Blackley Center–North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services

 “Loved it!  This book has opened my eyes to the benefits and importance of meditation. I always had an interest but feared it would be too difficult or take too long to learn. After reading this book, I discovered that I can reap huge benefits from even small increments of time. Diane’s clear suggestions and techniques are much needed and appreciated tools I will apply on a regular basis. These meditations truly promote a mind, body, and spiritual connection. You will feel lighter, more calm–gaining clarity and optimism to better handle the stressors in your life.”
Gina Panzino Lyman- author, Book Reviewer, Podcaster

 I love this book!
I believe this book can help one heal as it helps you to stop and reflect on the now. Diane gives a number of different meditations to choose from that help one connect-to a vision of serenity. Centre yourself with the divine as she takes you to the place where you will find yourself most intimate with Him. I love the visual of these meditations and the questions to reflect on at the end of each one. This book will help you to focus on the self to understand the moment and appreciate the value of consciously reconnecting to it. 
Shannie Alverez- author of We Are ONE

 “Reading through– Meditations for the Mind-Body-Spirit was an overwhelming, calming experience in–itself. Diane really captures the beauty and importance of meditation. Each meditation she describes in the book, I could feel and imagine as I read on. This book is very beautifully written. Well done.”
Kate Curit, author, Turner Publishing Inc.



Introduction on How to do Guided Meditation

The Safe Place Meditation

Waterfall Nature Sounds-for a quiet meditation, concentrating on your breathing and releasing any tension